Geotechnical Engineering MCQ Unit 3 | Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Geotechnical Engineering”.

                                                                         UNIT 3

1)Consider the following factors pertaining the flow through soil 

  (1) Hydraulic gradient

(2) Grain size 

(3) Void ratio

(4)Cross-sectional area of sample

Of these, the factors affecting permeability include:

  • 1 and 4

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1,2 and 3

(d) 2,3 and 4

2) The upstream slope of an earth dam under safety seepage condition is 

(a)equipotential lines
(b)phreatic line

(c) flow line

(d) seepage line

3) For practically impervious type of  soil , the coeff. Of permeability is determined using 

(a) variable head test

(b) constant head test

(c) consolidation test

(d) pumping test

4)A bed of sand consist of three horizontal layers of equal thickness. The value of darcy’s for the upper and lower is 1 X 10-2 cm/sec and that for the middle layer is  1 X 10-2 cm/sec. The ratio of permeability of the bed in the horizontal direction of that in the vertical direction is

(a) 10 to 1

(b) 2.8 to 1

(c) 2 to 1

(d) 1 to 10

5) Due to rise in temperature , the viscosity and unit weight of percolating fluid are reduces to 70% and 90% respectively . Other things being constant , the change in coeff. Of permeability will be. ….

(a) 20.0%

(b) 28.6%

(c) 63.0%

(d) 77.8%

6) An upward hydraulic gradient i of certain magnitude is initiate the phenomenon of boiling in granular soil.The magnitude of gradient is …..

(a) 0 ≤ i ≤ 0.5

(b) 0.5 ≤ i ≤ 1

(c) i = 1.0

(d) 1 ≤ i ≤ 2

7) A deposit of fine sand has a porosity ‘n’ and specific gravity of soil solids is G. The hydraulic gradient of the deposit to develop boiling condition of sand is given by….

(a) ic = [G -1][1-n]

(b) ic = [G -1][1+n ]

(c) ic = [G -1]/[1-n]

       (d) ic = [G -1]/[1+n ]

 Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Geotechnical Engineering”.

8) Consider the following statements regarding the flownets in seepage flow in soils :

(1)Every intersection of a flow line and an equipotential is made at right angles

(2) difference in flows [Δ Ψ] between two adjacent flow lines is the same.

(3) Difference in potentials [Δ Ø] between two adjacent equipotential.

(4) The flow lines and equipotential form curvilinear rohmbueses.

Of these statements,

  • (1) and (2) are correct
  • (2) and (3) are correct
  • (1), (2) and (3) are correct
  • (3) and (4) are correct

9) Consider the following statements regarding anisotropic soils

(1) the coefficient of permeability has maximum value in the direction of stratification

(2) the coefficient of permeability has minimum value in the normal to the direction of stratification.

(3) the coefficient of permeability has same value in the both direction of stratification

Of these statements,

  • (1) alone is correct
  • (1) and (2) are correct
  • (2) and (3) are correct

(d)     (1), (2) and (4) are correct

10) Consider the following inequalities regarding the filters provided in a dam.

(1) [D15]f / [D85]s < 4 – 5

(2) [D15]f / [D15]s < 4 – 5

(3) [D25]f / [D75]s < 20

(4) [D50]f / [D550]s < 25

of these inequalities,

[a] (1) alone is correct

[b] (2) and (3) are correct

[c] (1), (2) and (4) are correct

[d] (3) and (4) are correct

11) Consider the following statements regarding the factors affecting permeability of soil ….

(1)Permeability varies approximately as the square of the gain rise

(2)Permeability is directly proportional to the unit coeff. Of water and its viscosity 

(3)Artesian conditions exits if an inclined soil layer of low permeability confined locally by an overlying layer of each permeability 

(4) the attraction of the particles by pore water table is called as suction

Of these statements:

(a) 1,2 and 3 are correct

(b) 4,2 and 3 are correct

(c) 1,2 and 4 are correct

(d) 4,2 and 3 are correct

12)Consider the following statements regarding the permeability of solids

(1) The coeff. Of permeability is the ratio of the discharge velocity at hydraulic gradient

(2) The pressure of a small percentage of fines in a coarse-grained soil raises the permeability

(3) The coeff. Of permeability of a soil is a function of its void ratio

(4) In stratified soil, permeability in the direction of stratification is less than that in perpendicular direction

Of these statements :

  • 1,2 and 3 are correct
  • 4,2 and 3 are correct
  • 1,4 and 3 are correct
  • 4 and 3 are correct

13)Consider the following statements regarding the permeability of solids

(1) For coarse grained soil, the constant head permeability test is performed 

(2)For fine grained soils, the falling head permeability test is performed 

(3) For homogeneous coarse-grained soil strata , well pumping test is suitably employed

Of these statements:

  • 1 alone is correct
  • 1,2 and 3 are correct
  • 2 and 3 are correct
  • 3 alone is correct

14) Assertion A : The temperature at which water freezes in the pores of a soil depends on  a pore size

Reason R : The smaller the pores the higher the freezing temperature in soil


  • Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  • Both A and R are true and R is the not correct explanation of A
  • A is true R is false
  • A is false R is true

15) Match the list 



A. Soils of very low permeability

1.Continued formation of ice lenses

B. Higher soil suction

2. Temperature lower than zero

C. Frost have

3. Decrease in the magnitude of frost heave

D. Decrease in saturation of soil

4. Restricted development of ice heave

Codes :


(a) 1 2 3 4

(b) 4 1 2 3

(c) 4 2 1 3

(d) 3 2 1 4


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