BTAP MCQ | Building Technology and Architecture planning MCQ

1. ________ comprises of a gathering of part which structure a help for an entryway or window. 

a) Sill 

b) Head 

c) Style 

d) Frame 

Answer: d 

2 . _________ is the top most level individual from the screen. 

a) Head 

b) Bottom rail 

c) Top rail 

d) Style

 Answer: c 

3 . __________ is the center level individual from the shade where the locking course of action is given. 

a) Lock rail 

b) Cross rail 

c) Top rail 

d) Bottom rail 

Answer: a 

4 . he top or highest level piece of a casing is known as the _______ 

a) Panel 

b) Hold quick 

c) Horn 

d) Head 

Answer: d

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5 . ________ is the space of shade encased between the nearby rails.

a) Sash 

b) Jamb 

c) Holdfast 

d) Panel 

Answer: d  

5 . The whole get together of styles, boards and rails is known as the __________ 

a) Putty 

b) Horn 

c) Sash 

d) Shutter 

Answer: d 

6 . _________ is an upward part which is utilized to partitioned a window or entryway opening upward. 

a) Transom 

b) Jamb

c) Mullion 

d) Rebate

 Answer: c

7 . ____________ is a piece of lumber which is fixed in a slanted situation inside a casing. 

a) Jamb 

b) Reveal 

c) Rebate 

d) Louver 

Answer: d 

8 . __________ is a combination of a linseed oil and whiting Chalk. 

a) Putty 

b) POP 

c) Concrete 

d) Jamb 

Answer: a 

9 . _________ is a segment of wood, generally formed or Splayed, which is fixed on the sides and head of opening. 

a) Style 

b) Architrave 

c) Architect 

d) Head 

Answer: b 

10 . The most widely recognized kind of entryway is: 

a) Double leaf entryway 

b) Louvered entryway 

c) Single leaf entryway 

d) Battened entryway 

Answer: c

11 . A casement window hung evenly is called: 

a) Hopper 

b) Awning 

c) Pivot 

d) Transom 

Answer: b 

12 . Light, a term utilized in windows, is: 

a) Area between external pieces of a window 

b) Glazed piece of the window 

c) Area between inward pieces of a window 

d) Opening of the window permitting light 

Answer: a

13 . Which of the underneath material of window has life length of 50 years? 

a) PVC 

b) Steel 

c) UPVC 

d) Aluminum 

Answer: c  

14 . _________ entryway goes either way. 

a) Mead 

b) Dutch 

c) Garden 

d) French 

Answer: a 

15 . A sound window is a multi-board window, which:

a) Is given at corners 

b) Runs corresponding to the divider 

c) Embeds inside divider 

d) Projects outside divider 

Answer: d 

16 . A rooftop lamp is likewise called: 

a) Skylight 

b) Cupola 

c) Celestory 

d) Oriel 

Answer: b 

17 . In a ventilator, top edge of screen opens, 

a) Outside 

b) Inside 

c) Sideways 

d) Does not open

 Answer: b 

18 . Which of the beneath entryways is for the most part utilized in private and places of business? 

a) Flush entryway 

b) Rotating entryway 

c) Louvered entryway 

d) Hinged entryway 

Answer: a 

19 . The center level individual from the screen is called: 

a) Median rail 

b) Mid rail 

c) Sill rail 

d) Lock rail 

Answer: d 

20 . Mullion is _________ part utilized to sub separation a window or entryway opening upward. 

a) Horizontal 

b) Inclined (at 45o) 

c) Vertical 

d) Inclined (at 60o)

Answer: c

21 . Which sort of floor is utilized for private structures? 

a) Ground lumber floor 

b) Single joist wood floor 

c) Double joist wood floor 

d) Framed wood floor 

Answer: b 

22 . Floor under the deck is called: 

a) Plinth 

b) Sunken floor 

c) Sub floor 

d) Hind floor 

Answer: c 

23 . A ________ floor makes clamor when an interloper strolls on it.

a) Glass 

b) Chirping 

c) Sound 

d) Nightingale 

Answer: d 

24 . _________ floor is utilized for ranges of more than 7.5m. 

a) Framed wood 

b) Stone 

c) Glass 

d) Double joist lumber 

Answer: a 

25 . Conveyance of burdens on the divider isn't uniform in single joist lumber floor. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b 

26 . Which of the beneath is an issue with floors? 

a) Cracks 

b) Stains 

c) Vibration 

d) Projections 

Answer: c 

27 . Which of the beneath utility can't be given under a story? 

a) Plumbing 

b) Sound sealing 

c) Air-molding 

d) Gas lines 

Answer: d 

28 . The upper floors are skimming floors. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b 

29 . In suspended substantial floors, _________ radiates are utilized. 

a) T formed 

b) Inverted L formed 

c) Inverted T molded

d) I shaped 

Answer: c

30 . A _________ is a level part which is put across an opening to help the situation of the design above it. 

a) Door 

b) Window 

c) Sill 

d) Lintel

 Answer: d 

31 . As of now, the lentils of _________ are generally used to traverse the openings for entryways, windows, and so forth in a construction. 

a) Timber 

b) Wood 

c) RCC 

d) Cement 

Answer: c 

32 . _________ lintels comprise of bits of wood which are set across the opening. 

a) Timber 

b) RCC 

c) Steel 

d) Brick 

Answer: a

33 . In Wood or Timber lintels, the profundity of lintel ought to be about __________ to __________ of the range with the base worth of 80 mm. 

a) 1/6,1/4 

b) 1/12,1/4 

c) 1/12,1/8 

d) 1/6,1/8 

Answer: c 

34 . ___________ comprise of pieces of Stones which are put across the opening. 

a) Stone Lintels 

b) Brick Lintels 

c) Steel Lintels 

d) Wood Lintels

 Answer: a 

35 . ___________ comprise of blocks which are for the most part positioned toward one side or edge. 

a) Stone Lintels 

b) Brick Lintels 

c) Wood Lintels 

d) Timber Lintels 

Answer: b 

36 . ______________ comprises of Steel points or moved Steel joists. 

a) RCC Lintels 

b) Steel Lintels 

c) Wood Lintels 

d) Timber Lintels

 Answer: b 

37 . ____________ comprises of the support concrete cement and they have swapped essentially any remaining materials for the lintels. 

a) RCC Lintels 

b) Wood Lintels 

c) Stone Lintels 

d) Timber Lintels 

Answer: a 

38 . ___________ plan helps in improving the presence of the face and furthermore lessens the nature of cement. 

a) Rebated boot lintel 

b) D.P.C. 

c) RCC 

d) Reboot Lintel 

Answer: a

39 . The proportion of the absolute floor region comprehensive of the multitude of floors to the space of the plot on which building stands is known as ___________ 

a) Groundage 

b) Plot region 

c) Floor region 

d) Built-up region 

Answer: d 

40 . Which of coming up next is certifiably not a quality of sound? 

a) Intensity 

b) Frequency 

c) Speed 

d) Quality

 Answer: c 

41 . Sound voyages quicker in gases than in solids. 

a) True 

b) False

 Answer: b 

42 . The speed of sound in blocks is __________ 

a) 1450 m/sec 

b) 343 m/sec 

c) 3000 m/sec 

d) 4300 m/sec

 Answer: d 


43 . The power of sound is corresponding to __________ of sufficiency. 

a) Square root 

b) Cube root 

c) Square 

d) Cube

 Answer: c


44 . Which of the accompanying relations among clamor and power is right? 

a) I log L 

b) I log L2 

c) L log I 

d) L log I2 

Answer: c 

45 . Which law expresses that the greatness of a sensation is straightforwardly relative to the logarithm of the actual upgrade creating it? 

a) Beer-Lambert law 

b) Huygens–Fresnel law 

c) Lorentz law 

d) Weber and Fechner's law 

Answer: d


46 . The power of sound relies upon the ear of the audience. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b 

47 . ________ is the quantity of cycles made by a sounding body for each unit time. 

a) Amplitude 

b) Frequency 

c) Intensity 

d) Loudness

Answer : b

48 . The measure of sound sent external a room relies upon the surface while the measure of sound thought about or consumed depends the sound protection properties of the surface. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b


49 . Which of the accompanying assertions is right? 

a) Pitch of the sound increments with expansion in recurrence 

b) Pitch of the sound reductions with expansion in recurrence 

c) Decibel is equivalent to 1/100 of bel 

d) Increase in the abundancy of the sound abatements the power 

Answer: a 

50 . For a reverberation to be recognized as isolated, it should arrive at the ear _________ of a second after the immediate sound. 

a) One-fourth 

b) One-fifth 

c) One-eighth

d) One-10th 

Answer: d 

51 . Resonation time is straightforwardly relative to ____________ 

a) Effective surface region 

b) Lateral surface region 

c) Volume of the room 

d) Shape of the room 

Answer: c

52 . Resonation time is autonomous of the state of the room. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: a 

53 . The ingestion of a surface is the result of the __________ of the surface and its retention coefficient. 

a) Length 

b) Area 

c) Volume 

d) Width 

Answer: b 

54 . Figure the transmission misfortune given the sound levels estimated on one or the other side of the divider is 60 dB and 40 dB. 

a) 20 dB 

b) 100 dB 

c) 60 dB 

d) 2400 dB 

Answer: c 

55 . Hard materials utilized for sound protection are acceptable safeguards. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b

56 . In cavity divider development for soundproofing, the width of the cavity ought to be at any rate _________ 

a) 3 cm 

b) 5 cm 

c) 8 cm 

d) 12 cm 

Answer: b 

57 . The sound protection offered by unbending homogenous dividers diminishes with the increment in the thickness of the divider. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer: b 

58 . Substantial floor skimming development gives great protection against __________ sounds. 

a) Impact 

b) Air-borne 

c) Water-borne 

d) Structural 

Answer: a 

59 . On the off chance that the course of the breeze is at 90° to one of the faces, positive pressing factor will be delivered on __________ 

a) Windward face 

b) Leeward face 

c) Two windward faces 

d) Two leeward faces 

Answer: a

60 . n the articulation for discovering the pace of stream of air emerging because of the distinction in temperature of outside and inside, the coefficient of viability for general conditions is taken as ___________ 

a) 0.35 

b) 0.65 

c) 0.85 

d) 1.5 

Answer: b 

61 . Ventilation emerging from the temperature contrast among outside and inside happens due to ____________ impact. 

a) Stack

b) Stark 

c) Zeeman 

d) Spark 

Answer: a 

62 . As per the Indian Standard Code IS: 3362-1977, on account of common ventilation, stream per unit space of the opening is most noteworthy when the channel and outlet openings are of almost equivalent __________ 

a) Lengths 

b) Volumes

c) Areas 

d) Mass 

Answer: c 

63 . The greatest pace of air change is __________ 

a) 30 for every min 

b) 30 every hour 

c) 60 for every min 

d) 60 every hour

 Answer: d

64 . The overall temperature distinction among inside and outside of a room isn't more than ____________ 

a) 3°C 

b) 5°C 

c) 6°C 

d) 8°C 

Answer: d 

65 . Mostly ventilated single stack framework is the adjusted type of __________

a) Single stack framework and two-pipe framework 

b) Single stack framework and one line framework 

c) One line framework and two-pipe framework 

d) Two line framework

 Answer: b 

66 . In the two-pipe framework for the seepage of structures, the release from the waste line is separated from the channel by utilizing __________ 

a) Gully trap 

b) Silt trap 

c) Floor trap d) Grease trap 

Answer: a 

67 . Septic activity is created by the septic tank by __________

 a) Fungi 

b) Virus 

c) Termites 

d) Anaerobic microbes 

Answer: d 

68 . The length of the baths for the most part shifts from ___________ 

a) 1.7-1.85 m 

b) 2.5-3.2 m 

c) 3.6-4.7 m 

d) 4.8-5.2 m

 Answer: a 

69 . The platform type European water storage room is otherwise called ________ 

a) Commode 

b) Corundum 

c) Luminite

d) Limonite 

Answer: a 


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